Always a good day when I get one of these packages. Thanks bud!
And Katie on Storm Troopers from this past Tuesday.
Katie also texted me that Ian just did the second ascent of Sex and Chocolate With A Cherry On Top which is fantastic. Nicely done! That one has been waiting for a year and a half now for someone to step up. I'm glad Ian did it and I'm glad he was smart about it and dropped a rope on it to suss out the moves. No reason to get hurt over a problem like that.
Also sounds like Remo finished up Hungry Hippos and Eggert repeated Jenga yesterday. I think Jenga is like a V13 for Eggert. Just my take.
The first move on Storm Troopers continues to stymie me which is just mind boggling but once I get a handle on that hopefully I can finish it up. It's really nice to see fall coming into focus. The shoulder is feeling better, new problems need to get done and I can say definitively that I'm more excited about doing new problems than ever.
East Bluff needs to get established this fall for sure.
Hello world!
9 months ago
YES! Finally that thing got a repeat. Nice work Ian and Chris, huge sends for both you guys.