And Katie on Storm Troopers from this past Tuesday.
Katie also texted me that Ian just did the second ascent of Sex and Chocolate With A Cherry On Top which is fantastic. Nicely done! That one has been waiting for a year and a half now for someone to step up. I'm glad Ian did it and I'm glad he was smart about it and dropped a rope on it to suss out the moves. No reason to get hurt over a problem like that.
Also sounds like Remo finished up Hungry Hippos and Eggert repeated Jenga yesterday. I think Jenga is like a V13 for Eggert. Just my take.
The first move on Storm Troopers continues to stymie me which is just mind boggling but once I get a handle on that hopefully I can finish it up. It's really nice to see fall coming into focus. The shoulder is feeling better, new problems need to get done and I can say definitively that I'm more excited about doing new problems than ever.
East Bluff needs to get established this fall for sure.
YES! Finally that thing got a repeat. Nice work Ian and Chris, huge sends for both you guys.