I'm gonna be heading up to Minneapolis for a week this Sunday but wanted to throw out a couple of things on the event side of the world.
It's not often that we get climbing events here in Madison, whether it be athlete visits or movie showings. Sometimes the world comes together in a very cruel way.
First up is a Mountain Hardwear athlete visit next Thursday the 7th. Dawn Glanc will be at the Westside Fontana Sports giving her Ice climbing slideshow. Having seen a couple of clips of hers I'm extremely jealous that I'll be out of town for this one. It should be a phenomenal show and I'd love to see a ton of people show for it since it's rare we get athletes out here.
Second is the Reel Rock Tour. Somehow the organizers/Hoofers managed to pick the one date that there is an athlete in town and there will be a dueling show next Thursday the 7th at 7:00. Awesome. I'm not sure where this one is taking place as I just found out about it last night. I'm assuming the Memorial Union.
Either show should be fantastic though so hopefully you get out to one or the other! I'm bummed I'll be out of town. That's for sure.
53 and cloudy this Saturday. Psyched is an understatement.
Hello world!
10 months ago
When do you get off on Sunday?
Not sure. Leaving here at noon or so on Sunday. Depends on when we get our samples today, really. Supposed to get 24 boxes sometime this afternoon. If we can get em hung and sorted then we'll be done earlier on Sunday. What are you up to Wednesday night? I'm supposed to be done around 3-3:30.
ReplyDeleteNada, after daylight savings we probably will be doing a gym sesh.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure what mark said but it must have been bad, removed by the author?
Mark's an ass!
ReplyDeleteI got your back Steve.
Fuck Mark... am i right guys and katie?
All I said was
ReplyDelete1) the dates are wrong, and they're both on the 11th
2) I was upset that he seemed to be putting down Hoofer Mountaineering and the Wisconsin Union Directorate Film Committee for providing what is an event that is free to the public but not free to the people that put it on. When you host it at a big venue like the Union, and try to fit it in to a wide range of dates where a whole ton of things are going on, you do the best you can. No one told the Mountaineering Club that there was going to be a climbing-related slideshow going on. When planning an event like this Dawn Glanc, wouldn't you contact the largest Mountaineering/Climbing group in the city? Blame falls on both sides then.
You guys can flame me all you want. I don't even know you sweatpants, and I've met Nic once. I thought he was a nice guy, but if you guys wanna keep putting me down, go for it.
I know what Mark said. I'm just not telling anyone. :)
ReplyDeleteI had a fantastic weekend at work. Hope everyone else had good ones. ce
Oh shit, I just posted that at exactly the same time Mark was posting. Who woulda guessed. ce
ReplyDeleteOK now I read your comment Mark. I don't think Steve was flaming. Sounds like he is bummed to be missing both of the events. No big deal, who cares. The world will keep on revolving. I hope. ce
ReplyDeleteThats fair, it just sounded like he was down on Hoofers (I mean, I think you can see maybe where I'm coming from), and we worked really hard to figure this out. Honestly, like I've been saying, I can see both sides.
ReplyDeleteI deleted my first comment because I didn't want to start a flamewar, but it seems like two people that don't even know me were good enough to start it for me. Thanks guys! ;-)
CE, I'm curious how you knew what I had said. Is my message to Steve really getting passed around? I thought I was pretty reasonable defense of my position in response to what I thought was a slight dig on Hoofers/WUD.
Yeah I'm an asshole, sure okay. You guys win. I hope I gave you guys something to do on a rest day!
Nah dude, I was just kidding about that. You really can't take anything anybody says on here very seriously. Sweaty especially. I am going to regret saying this but he is a great guy. Now look, his head just got 50% bigger than it was already.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Mark, I don't know you, but maybe I should. I know what a pain in the ass it is to organize shit like this. Nice job. See you at Boulders this winter. Chris ce
Damn. Drama ahoy. Fun.
ReplyDeleteEggnuts, glad you had a good weekend at work!! hah! It was perfect out. Katie and I found some cool looking new stuff on the west bluff just above Dumpster Diving and below the 45. Looking forward to getting back there.
Also, the landing on Jenga is now totally safe and workable with a big pad a full pad and a half pad. Totally safe. It's rad. You need to go back. I'll have an update today or tomorrow.
I think we're gonna go on Sunday after I get back in town. Oh Minneapolis, how I've missed you.
Keep me posted for Sunday for sure Steve. Love to get back up there. Might have friends coming into town, but if not, I'm down to hit it up. Especially if you jokers made the landing geezer-worthy. ce
ReplyDeleteOh it's totally geezer worthy!!
ReplyDeleteHello everyone....
ReplyDeleteMark, I have no problem with you whatsoever. I am not even sure what a "hoofer" is...
You are right, I have met you once and I thought youz waz swell...
this is what I said...
I am not sure what mark said but it must have been bad, removed by the author?"
I had no idea what you said... I thought maybe it was a dirty word like fuckingcockballswhore.
I do love making fun of people on the interweb, I only do it if I have met them in person and they understand my jokes. I blame sweat pants, he is a dick...
Speaking of Drama,
ReplyDeleteWhat is up with WI??? Talk about punter...
MN has 4 new problems V9 or harder 2 of which being v10?
Next punt of the month= Wisconsin..
Lake or Dodge thursday anyone? Ropes or pebbles followed by one of the shows madison?? Anyone???
ReplyDeletei am not a descent guy. I stand by all my comments. you should take me serious at all times. I rarely joke around.
ReplyDeleteIts all good. Everyone is friendly here. I never have a beef with anyone. Except maybe an ex girlfriend or that idiot in CO... says he's a lawyer. Climbs like one too... Sockhands.
ReplyDelete(Am I doing it right?)
Feel free to message me to boost my ego and make me feel all warm and cuddly and loved if you want. I'm all good though. Peace guys.
ReplyDeleteNow seriously, back to picking on someone. Where is that oaf Robinson when you need him. ce
That kid is a brown punt.
i hate brownies that live out west. yuck!
ReplyDeleteBrownies suck. like totally.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I had teh best appetizer ever today. mini grilled cheese sammiches with tomato soup fondue. aMAAAZing. Just thought I'd share that tidbit with you.
Also, Nic, did you call me today? I was in a preview when you called i think.
that does sound delish!
ReplyDeleteI'll get the name of the place we went. next time you're up here you should go. It's a little micro brew place with good burgers and, yes, grilled cheese fondue. it's worth it.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite 2 Brew Pubs 'round here are Ale Asylum and Sprechers. Especially the outdoor patio at Sprechers. ce
ReplyDeleteI did call, wanted to see when we would get out to the gym... I set 18 problems for you.
Urgh, I dont check the blog for one day and 28 comments! Can't believe I missed the opportunity to start a flame war and spread some hate. But I'll try:
ReplyDeleteI have met eggnuts, he just blows. Absolutely blows. (by the way eggnuts I met this 55 year old geezer here who padded a landing out with a bajillion pads and then proceeded to walk all my projects in the area, and then what does he say to me `you are too young to be able to do these problems').
I hate sweatpants on principle. Anyone who says `delish' deserves all sorts of hate.
I think Nic should be banned from commenting for saying `fuckingcockballswhore'. This is supposed to be clean family fun. Also, I hate Nic for making the cave traverse look like V0.
Steve, where do I start with that douchebag. Always hating on them houfers. As if life wasn't hard for them already.
Hmmm, who did I miss? I wish Remo had commented. I hate that guy.
God. I know this is too nice to be posted here, but you guys are great.
ReplyDeleteI'll jump on the bandwagon against Remo tho. Remember when he was climbing so hard his head swelled up to twice its normal size, and then he threw a frisbee and his ankle swelled up to three times the size of his head? Yeahh...
ReplyDeleteWhere you climbing?
Can you also have your lady stop calling me... it is getting really old, tell her what we had was just sex and nothing more.
fucking cock and balls
ReplyDelete"DB where are you punting"? is more like it.
ReplyDeleteThanks RV, knowing a 55 y/o can still crank gives me hope. Of sorts. ce
ReplyDeleteWhy does that give you hope? aren't you like 64?
LOL. I feel like it this week for sure. Nah, dude, in 2011 I turn 40. Yikes. It's starting to show too. I had a mid-life crisis last week and bought a new car. Well, it's a '68, but new to me. 500+ hp racing monster. I guess I am 1) getting old, and 2) have a small penis. Well, now that's out there. Though a certain small-ish population of females in the upper midwest already knew that. ce
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for your wife to come on here so we can hear her thoughts :-)
ReplyDeleteI can only offer you love brown boy! Mark don't feed into his evil doings. He will corrupt all that is good in this small climbing world of ours.
ReplyDeleteEggnuts quit sexting your nuts to all of us, there getting too old.
Nuts? I thought he was showing me some old dried up raisins? ICK dude..
ReplyDeletei know man. and maybe think about trimming up... talk about letting yourself go.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of letting yourself go...
ReplyDeleteSweaty, how is your wife? And..
Steve, How is Katie?
Ha! Nic your never coming near my lady.:)
Oh, and Steve you may as well drop the climbing from this blog. All the other shit talk is way more entertaining.
JFC, this blog is nothing but a shit show. Can't you guys banter on MP like real humans!
ReplyDeleteBummer about Bechler. That dude was badass. big shoes to fill. ce
ReplyDeleteVery sad news indeed. Brad and I found out last night at about Midnight as we were leaving dinner. Went back in and had a whiskey in his memory. Ironically the bar was named Poor Richards. So sad.
ReplyDeleteI was going to spew some hate. But then I read about Bechler. Always sucks. I hadn't heard of him before today (I am a noob) but this sort of thing is always a bummer.